What Is SEO – How It Works in 2021 and Beyond

What is SEO is the most common question of the maximum number of people, who are working in the Digital Marketing field. Search engine optimization or SEO is the most popular term in digital marketing. Possibly it is the major factor of ranking in the SERP i.e. Search Engine Result Page. 

Whenever we will search for any query or keyword on the SERP, we can find numerous results over the web. Isn’t it? All those sites, which you will find against your query or keyword, work harder especially in SEO aspects to get the rank in the SERP. 

Not only one or two websites but also numerous websites from all over the world are competing for the query that you have searched over the web. Therefore, you can comprehend how much competition is there for a certain query. 

If you have a website and want to keep your website in the competition alive for especially long-term, practicing SEO on your website is essential. The better you can optimize your website, the better your website will be in the competition to maintain its position.

SEO is the abbreviation of Search engine optimization. It is widely known and practice for improving the quantity as well as the quality of traffic to a website in terms of practicing ORGANIC search engine optimization procedure. ORGANIC search engine optimization procedure is basically free and used for the long-term scenario.

Every Search Engine has its own guidelines and the websites are required to fulfill the guideline as much as they can to boost the online presence in relevant online search results. According to the research, Google (Recently, the most popular Search Engine over the globe) has around 200 factors, which the websites are required to implement in it. In this case, the best SEO practices take place.

Having adequate knowledge of SEO techniques and tools is important to implement the best SEO practice for a website. Before starting SEO activities, it is necessary to have complete knowledge of search engines, i.e. what is a Search Engine and how Search Engine works? Formerly, let’s learn about it shortly.

What Is a Search Engine?

In simple terms, a search engine can be defined as a platform where all types of information are stored. Whenever users search for any query, the program or algorithm of the search engine searches and extract accurate information from its database according to the most suitable keyword related to the query.

The most popular search engine in 2021 is Google, Bing, Yahoo, DuckDuckGo, Ask.com, etc. Every search engine has its own algorithm though maximum concepts are more or less similar. The process of searching for the most relevant information from the uncountable data stored in the search engine is complex enough.

How Does Search Engine Work?

As soon as the search engine obtains any query from the users, immediately, the query is crawled by web crawlers from the hundreds of billions of pages stored in its database. The web crawlers are commonly known as spiders or search engine bots. Basically, a search engine works by taking a list of known URLs. 

In a fraction of a second, Google’s Search algorithms sort through hundreds of billions of web pages and display us the most relevant, useful results in an order-list in its SERP. The whole process of searching, sorting, and displaying (Just after sending the query and press Enter or clicking the Search button) has been accomplished within a fraction of a second by any particular search engine.

So, ultimately, we are required to bring our website to the top of the Search Engine Result page for certain queries, and for that reason, we need to follow proper SEO techniques according to the SEO trends in 2021. In reality, it is difficult to apply all SEO factors to a website to rank first in a SERP. But we require to work on the maximum and important SEO factors to our website so that it can beat the other competitors and rank itself top.

Best SEO Practices and Techniques to Follow in 2021

The process of search engine optimization or SEO is mainly classified into two categories. Such as On-page SEO and Off-page SEO.

  • On-page SEO: In simple words, On-page SEO can be described as practicing SEO activities on the website.
  • Off-page SEO: On the other hand, Off-page SEO is the practice of SEO, which is implemented off the website.

Both On-page and Off-page SEO implementation are essential for a website to get effective results from the perspective of SERPs. Let’s take a look into the vital On-page and Off-page activities that you should perform on your website.

Popular On-Page SEO Activities

After completing the designing and development procedure of a website, performing On-page SEO is the former practice to rank in the SERP. Here is the list of popular On-Page SEO Techniques that is going to significantly improve your website ranking.

  • Keyword research
  • Top-quality, unique, and optimized content
  • Optimized meta title and meta description
  • Optimized images/videos
  • Optimization of URLs
  • Internal links
  • External links
  • Mobile-friendliness
  • Page loading speed

Keyword Research

Keyword research is the very first step to perform On-page SEO activity. Every web page on a website has a unique intention that serves unique services to the viewers. For example, there is a website for Assignment Help, i.e. providing assignment writing services to students. For students, they have different subjects. 

As usual, the Assignment Help website should contain different web pages that will serve assignment writing services on different subjects. For example, different pages can be like Math assignment help (Especially for serving math homework solution), Chemistry assignment help (Particularly for serving chemistry homework solution).

The reason for making different web pages are targeting particular keywords to definite pages. For example, if we consider a Math assignment help page to that Assignment Help website, we need to research keywords related to Math assignment help or math homework help and focus those keywords on that particular page. As a result, whenever users search for math assignment help, there is a high chance to see our math assignment help related web page in the search result.

It does not mean any term related to math we will pick and focus on the page to rank in the SERP. We should find the relevant keywords only that adequately support our niche. For example, as we are providing math assignment help, we should focus on keywords that intend to serve math solutions to students instead of selecting other math-related keywords like Math coaching center.

Recently till the 21st century, numerous Keyword Researching tools have been launched. You can use any authentic keyword researching tools to find and select the relevant keywords for your webpages. You must pick keywords that have decent search volume because those are the terms that people usually search for.

For example, if we search for ‘websites that answer math problems’ in the United States region, we can see the search volume of that particular keyword is 4400, i.e. near about 4400 people regularly search this term over the search engine. So, it is a good choice of keywords for the page of Math assignment help. 

Similarly, if we find a keyword like ‘website that answers math problems unblocked’, there will be no search volume. That means very few people search with the whole term on a regular basis. So, we will avoid such keywords, which have no search volume.

Top-Quality, Unique, and Optimized Content

Content is the backbone of the On-page SEO of a web page because the content is the medium that basically describes a webpage. To make top-quality content to a webpage, a good content writer is required, who have excellent vocabulary knowledge with adequate grammar sense. 

The content should be according to the niche and serves adequate value to the reader. For example, if our niche is serving math assignment help, we should make our content with the concept of it and never divert it to another aspect like a math coaching center.

Content must be longer so that it seems it contains abundant information regarding the topic. Content in web pages with less than 300 words is considered thin content. So, you should write more than 300 words to qualify the webpage for SERP ranking where 1500-2000 words webpage content is more or less safe. But it is not right to increase the word in the intention to increase the word, which can impact the webpage regardless of boosting SERP rank.

Recently, we can find all information over the internet, so we can gather information on our niche over there and make our own content profoundly. But, we must not copy or rewrite content from other sources, which can create a cause of plagiarism and copyright issues. We must make unique content for our website.

As we are practicing SEO for a website, we must not publish normal content on a certain topic. We are required to optimize the content in an SEO-friendly manner with the researched keywords. We must choose a primary keyword, a secondary keyword, and a bunch of supportive or LSI keywords for a particular web page. After that optimize those keywords wisely in the content to make it SEO-friendly.

Keyword optimization basically is a process to use certain keywords for certain times in proper places in the content. Generally, we prefer primary keywords to be used for maximum time in the content. The second priority is the secondary keywords and then the third is the LSI keywords. It does not mean that as much as we include our keywords in the content, it will rank top in the SERP. There is a factor named Keyword Density. We must maintain the keyword density ratio i.e. overall 1-2%.

We must use all those keywords within 1-2% according to the overall content length. For example, if our content length is 1000 words. The maximum times we can use our all keywords is 20 times including primary, secondary, and LSI keywords. Now the time is to segregate the keywords according to their priority level. 

For example, we can use the primary keywords for 0.5-0.7%, the secondary keyword for 0.3-0.4%, and the LSI keywords for 0.1-0.2%. Basically, we must bound the overall keyword density with 2%. That means we can make the keyword density of a webpage 1.5% as well.

Optimized Meta Title and Meta Description

Having optimized meta title and meta description is essential for a web page to get a higher rank in SERP. Optimization of meta title and meta description means optimization of keywords in them, basically the primary keyword. It is not all about putting the main or primary keyword in the title and description to make it. There is a characters’ limit for meta title and meta description.

  • Ideal meta title length: 55-60 characters (with spacing)
  • Ideal meta description length: 155–160 characters (with spacing)

Meta Title Optimization

For optimizing the meta title, we must put the primary keyword into the title. Besides this, we are required to make a catchy sentence with the primary keyword that obviously makes sense. We can use other keywords especially the secondary keyword in the meta title after the preference of the main keyword only if the character limit does not exist. 

We must prefer to place the main or primary keyword as first as we can in the meta title. The use of suffix and prefix is completely optional, which is essential to make the meta title more catchy. Here are a few combinations to make an SEO friendly meta title. [Note: In most of the cases, we should try to make a sentence with the following combination]

  • Only Primary keyword 
  • Primary keyword + Secondary keyword
  • Primary keyword + LSI keyword
  • Primary keyword + Targeted location
  • Primary keyword + Brand name
  • We should bound the character limit for the meta title within the 60 characters with spacing. The meta title should be unique i.e. there must not be the same meta title, which has already been created by other websites.

Meta Description Optimization

In just a similar way to optimize meta title, we require to optimize the meta description as well. But as in this case, the characters’ length is comparatively higher, we must focus on the secondary keyword along with the primary keyword. It will be good enough if we find space to use any LSI keyword in the meta description. 

We must keep in mind that all we have to complete is within under160 characters with space. We also can use the targeted region, and brand name in the meta description. Besides these, the most important thing is we require to write flawless catchy sentences that attract the visitors at a first glance. Another recommended thing to use in the meta description is the Call-to-action like call now, act now, hurry, today, etc.

Optimized Images/Videos

The size of images and videos reflects the web site load. So, we must take care of images and videos while uploading them on the website. We should use such images and videos which have a low size and good quality. We can use different relevant images and video compressors online to compress them according to the optimized size for good SEO. 

Basically, we are required to keep our website load less because if the website load is high, it will take more time to load, which is a negative aspect of SEO. It can increase the bounce rate of a website and impact on particular web pages and even website ranking in the SERP as well.

Optimized image size for SEO: Below 70kb.

Using proper alt-text for every image and video is essential because it is part of SEO. It is important from the user’s point of view as well. For example, at any condition, if the images or videos will not load properly, the al-text will be shown to the viewers so that they understand what kind of graphics are used over there.

Optimization of URLs

URL optimization is another important factor for SEO as well as SERP ranking. Optimization of URL is not only good for SEO but also good for the viewers as well. For example, if a website serves a graphic design service, the URL must be short and accurate like ‘graphic-design-service’ or ‘graphic-design-company’. To make the URL, keywords have the primary role. 

Basically, we are required to pick up any keyword and make the URL with it. The benefit of this deed is as the keywords, we will choose, which have the search volume, and that will be effective enough in URL as well. At the end of the day, finally, we are required to drive customers to our website. So, we need to focus on those terms or keywords that they usually search for. 

Choosing arbitrary terms for URLs will be the work. We can cut preposition, article, conjunction from the URL, as it occupies enough space. We should make an URL, which will be short and meaningful as well.

Optimized URL length for SEO: less or within 50-60 characters

Internal Links and External Links

Internal links and external links are called hyperlinks. The prime difference between those links is that internal links direct the readers to a particular target page on a website where external links direct the readers to an important page on other websites. In a simple way, it can be described as internal links are those hyperlinks that are linked in between the webpages of the same website. On the other hand, external links are those links that are linked from a website to third party websites.


Nowadays, maximum people use mobile and prefer it more than laptop or desktop because mobile is easy to carry at every place. Recently, SEO explicitly focuses on user-experiences. So, we need to make our website mobile-friendly to meet users’ expectations. 

According to research, it has been noticed that if a website is mobile-friendly, the traffic is always high in comparison to other websites that haven’t adopted the approach. Mobile-friendliness website not only improves in SERP ranking but also helps to gain more audiences than usual and more conversions for your business.

Page Loading Speed

The page loading speed of a website means the time taken to load a website just after sending the query to the search engine for loading the site. If we individually ask the question i.e. do we prefer waiting to load a website? Or prefer a website that opens instantly just after clicking a link or tap the search button? 

Obviously, we will choose the second option. Nobody prefers waiting. So, for that reason, we are required to optimize images, videos, etc. before uploading on the site. We also must minify our whole website code as well to make the website faster than usual.

Google recommended page load time: Less than 3 seconds for both mobile and desktop devices.

Popular Off-Page SEO Activities

After accomplishing more or less all activities of On-page SEO, it is the time for blink building or Off-page SEO. The prime objective for accomplishing off-page SEO is link building to various third-party websites so that it becomes popular to everyone. Off-page SEO serves as an important aspect in SERP ranking as well. Popular off-page SEO activities in 2021 are as follows:

  • Business listing
  • Classified promotion
  • Social bookmarking
  • Web 2.0
  • Powerpoint submission
  • Image and video sharing
  • Infographic promotion
  • Blog commenting
  • Article submission
  • Press release
  • Guest posting


Business Listing

Business listing is the process to list your business information online so that people can get your business easily whenever they search for the services that you provide. To accomplish the activity of business listing, we require to target a particular region to promote a website. 

We need to perform the business listing activity with a certain third party website. Business listing helps increase the visibility of the website to a certain demographic area, which has been chosen during the business listing. This activity helps to boost local visitors and customers effectively. Recently, popular business listing sites are Google Business, Bing, Merchant Circle, Manta, Yelp, etc.

Classified Promotion

Classified advertising also helps to accommodate local visitors and customers. As we commonly find short advertisements in newspapers; classified advertising is one kind of that activity. We need to register to classified websites and choose certain regions, where we want to expand our website’s services as an advertisement. Popular classified promotion sites are Craigslist, Olx, Quikr, Locanto, etc.

Social Bookmarking

Social bookmarking is another powerful and easy approach to SEO. In the process of social bookmarking, we require to tag the website pages with different browser-based tools via different social bookmarking sites. It helps to build trust and plays an important factor in SERP ranking. Famous social bookmarking sites in 2021 are StumbleUpon, Digg, Reddit, Slashdot, Twitter, Pinterest, etc.

Web 2.0

We are required to write niche-related blogs and submit them to different web 2.0 websites to make awareness of the brand. Basically, web 2.0 websites are third party websites. But as they have different visitors, we are required to promote business over there to get visitors to our site. 

We need to unique and relevant content to a certain topic (related to niche) and post it over there with the relevant web page link. In this case, the strategy is the visitors, who will read the post, appeal to them to click the provided link, and drive them to our website. Popular web 2.0 websites are WordPress, Weebly, Wix, Tumblr, etc.

Powerpoint Submission

Powerpoint or PPT submission is another SEO approach to drive visitors to a website. We are required to make PowerPoint presentations related to niche topics and post them to third party PPT submission websites. We must add a link to the relevant web page; so that while any visitor available on that PPT submission site will see and read the post can link and drive to our website. Famous PPT submission sites in 2021 are SlideShare, SlideServe, Authorstream, etc.

Image and Video Sharing

Appealing images and videos are the new and prime weapon to attract visitors. We require to design magnificent graphics and videos related to our niche and post them to different image sharing and video sharing sites wisely. We should provide an accurate link; so that visitors of those external sites can click over there and drive to the website. Top image sharing sites are Google Photos, Imgur, Instagram, Facebook, Flickr, Pinterest, Photobucket, etc. and popular video sharing sites are YouTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion, etc.

Infographic Promotion

Besides the promotion of images and videos, infographic promotion is another appealing approach to drive visitors into a website. To accomplish the work efficiently, we formerly need to design magnificent infographics related to our website niche. After completing the infographic, we are required to post it on third-party infographic submission sites. 

During submission, we must put our website or relevant webpage link over there. Visitors available on those websites when visiting the infographic, there is a high chance that they click to the provided link and drive to our website.  Popular infographic promotion sites in 2021 are Visual.ly., Pinterest, Flickr. Reddit, etc.

Blog Commenting

Blog commenting is another useful technique to drive visitors to the website. In this case, we are required to search blogs related to our niches and do commenting on them. We must leave a link to our web pages or website so that the visitors on the blog can click our provided link, which has been added during blog commenting. Top blog commenting sites are Backlinko, ShoutMeLoud, Neil Patel, Problogger, QuickSprout, etc.

Article Submission

Submission of articles is another important approach to driving traffic to the website. For accomplishing the task, we require to write articles related to our niche and submit them to third-party based article submission sites. In this case, we also put our site link into the article. So that whenever visitors on the article site, read our article, can click on the link and drive to our website. Top article submission sites are as follows:

  • Sites.google.com
  • iSnare.com
  • Articlebiz.com
  • Github.com
  • Storify.com

Press Release

The press release is another SEO approach that is used occasionally. Whenever any company launches any products or services, it promotes it through the press release medium. Besides these, if the company wants to share an announcement, news, etc. use a press release. A proper link of web pages and websites is required to put in the section so that the visitors can drive to the website effortlessly. Famous press release sites are Newswiretoday, Issuewire, 1888pressrelease, OpenPR, etc.

Guest Posting

Guest posting is a popular approach to SEO. In this case, we will write for a website, which has adequate visitors related to our niche. In this case, we are required to approach the second website to write for them and give us a link for that. When the visitors available on that site read our writing and click the link, they will drive to our website. Popular guest posting sites are HubSpot, Entrepreneur, The Huffington Post, About, Sitepoint, OutBrain, Investopedia, etc.

Besides performing organic SEO activities, we also need to perform other digital marketing platforms to increase the brand awareness of a website. The more visitors a website receives, the stronger the chances of ranking that website on the SERP ranking. So, let’s take a look at other digital marketing activities that we need to perform along with the SEO activities on a website. 

So, What Should You Do for SEO in 2021?

In conclusion, it has been perceived that there is no such immense change in SEO practices for a website. Relevant updates are also coming from time to time to serve more efficient service to the audiences. But when we are planning for a website to serve products or services to the customers we always practice the basic SEO to build a strong base of the website for SERP ranking. Implementing SEO in a proper way to a website serves benefits in the long-run.

Ultimately, you are required to implement at least the above-mentioned practice to your website to get traffic, leads, and SERP ranking for the long-term purpose. So, what are you waiting for? Do it now. Hurry!

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